18 januari 2007

Girl Confessions

[ ] I'm single.
[x] I'm taken.
[x] I'm straight.
[ ] I'm gay.
[x] I do wear make up.
[x] When I walk by mirrors, I can't help but look.
[ ] When I walk by mirrors, I love what I see.
[ ] When I walk by mirrors, I just make sure I don't look too gross.
[ ] When I walk by mirrors, I hate what I see.
[ ] I wear toe nail polish.
[x] I have cried at a movie in a theater.
[x] I've purposely talked to a guy/girl my boyfriend/girlfriend didn't like.
[x] Getting a flower makes me smile, especially for no reason.
[ ] I've wrecked a car.
[x] I can't put mascara on without opening my mouth.
[ ] I'd basically do anything for that special guy.
[x] I love cuddling.
[x] I think Johnny Depp is sexy.
[ ] I've gotten a detention.
[x] i love to laugh.
[ ] I like techno.
[ ] I like country.
[x] I carry a purse.
[x] I'd be lost without my cell phone.
[x] I'd be lost without my mp3/CD player/iPOD.
[x] I own/did own a Spice Girls CD.
[ ] I own/did own a Britney Spears CD.
[ ] I own/did own a boy band CD.
[ ] I don't get bored watching football.
[ ] I love athletic boys.
[ ] I love skater guys.
[x] I love punk guys.
[ ] I love gangsta guys.
[ ] I love scene guys. (?)
[x] I love gothic guys.
[x] I love geeky guys.
[ ] I love country guys.
[ ] I love good/bad guys. (Good/bad? Schwhat?)
[x] I love funny guys.
[x] I love smart guys.
[x] I love guys with nice hair. (om det är min definition på "nice" vill säga)
[ ] I love guys who resemble Seth Cohen in terms of style. (Vem?)
[x] I love guys that are just themselves.
[ ] I love guys who wear A&F fierce. (?)
[ ] Guys are confusing.
[ ] I've been called a tease.
[ ] I've been called a slut.
[ ] I've been called a bad influence by people who don't know me.
[ ] Lip gloss is better than lipstick.
[ ] I can't leave the house without makeup.
[ ] I play video games, even when there are other people around.
[x] I have an addiction.
[x] I want a tattoo.
[x] I have a tattoo.
[x] I have piercings other than my ears.


3 Åsikter

Anonymous Anonym:

Seth Cohen är en av huvudpersonerna i OC! Tänk att jag visste det och inte du! :D

Yongry blev mitt wordverification...hihi....

Blogger Anna Nio:

Hahaha, det är ju värst för dig då. :D

Blogger Dallerberg:

jaja jag snor väl den här också :D


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