25 oktober 2010

Filmcitat #5 och #6: facit

Okelidokelie, jag bestämmer härmed att gissningsleken för omgång fem och sex härmed är över, and I present to you, ze anzhörs som ingen klarade:

Facit för filmcitat #5
6. "I would be happy in a Turkish prison, are you kidding? I was with you, of course I had a good time." - "Pretty in Pink"
7. "I'm on your side, I hate Godzilla too, he's the destroyer of worlds!" - "Baksmällan"
14. "Wouldn't it be great if wars could be settled by just the assholes who started them?" - "The Postman"
17. "-Your mother's a cankerous whore!
-Jesus, man!
-Hey, man, remember way back when I said your mother was a cankerous whore? I'm sorry, man. I did not mean that. She's not." - "Tropic Thunder"

Facit för filmcitat #6
3. "-Don't you just love Prince?
-More than life itself." - "Pretty Woman"
8. "-What about the world, Ronald, what would you like to do to the whole world?
-Burn it all." - "Backdraft"
10. "Wanna know what's a crime? Whoever defaced that work of art by painting it that color... ought to have his ass removed." - "The Rookie"
11. "Okay, I'm gonna run down some caucasians today." - "Crazy People"
13. "-What's your name?
-What's your name, Mike?
-Sam." - "Addicted to Love"
14. "-It's like touching your penis with your left hand.
-I don't have a penis.
-But you have a left hand." - "The Science of Sleep"
15. "I have never met any really wicked person before. I feel rather frightened. I am so afraid he will look just like everyone else." - "The Importance of Being Earnest"
16. "Just fear me, love me, do as I say - and I will be your slave." - "Labyrinth"
19. "My whole life flashed before my eyes! Dude, I sleep a lot." - "Double Dragon"

So there you have it; a job well done. ;D Omgång #6 var tydligen alldeles för svår, även fast jag på inget vis planerat det, håhåjaja. Så kan det gå. Fortsätt gissa på omgång #7 så länge, det finns ett fåtal olösta gåtor där ännu. :)

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